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leadership & CAREER development coaching for women

One-to-one personal and professional coaching sessions you can count on 


Image by Brooke Cagle


Start Taking Action

Get super clear on your goal and create an action plan to move forward! 

1 hour - £75

One-to-one, online 


Own Your Future Career

Get clearer on your strengths, values and skills to design and develop your ideal career. 

6 sessions over 3 months

One-to-one, online 


Own your future career is for you if:

You want to kick your career up a notch, but you're not sure how to do that. 

You'd like a career more aligned with your talents and values for a greater sense of purpose. 

You’re ambitious but frustrated by a lack of focus and vision.

You’re facing redundancy, and see it as an opportunity to take a leap of faith in a brand new direction. 

You want financial freedom, flexible working and a healthier work-life balance. 

You’re committed to making important changes to get where you want to be. 

You’re open-minded and willing to try a new approach. 

You’re ready to implement a plan that will give you the future career you deserve.

Women who owned their future career:​




Said goodbye to being overworked in corporate firms to starting women-owned businesses that secure lucrative deals with key clients.

Designed new roles in companies aligned with their future career aspirations and gained substantial pay rises. 

Forged new paths of more freedom and flexibility, giving them a reason to look forward to each Monday. 

"Career Coaching helped me zone in on my strengths, the type of lifestyle I wanted and the type of working environment I wanted to be in, going forward.

I learnt that I can stay in my career (which I had given up hope on) but within a different type of environment"


Book today to own your future career!



Ignite Your Inner Leader

Show up courageously to inspire and enable others. 

12 sessions over 6 months

One-to-one, online 

The ignite your inner leader programme is for you if:

You’re in a new role and need support. 

You suffer from 'Imposter Syndrome', limiting beliefs or a lack of self-confidence. 

You work long hours and constantly feel the need to achieve and prove yourself. 

Your work-life balance is non-existent - you've lost your sense of humour and feel irritable at home. 

You feel you're stuck in a loop, always facing the same kind of challenges but never finding any solutions. 

You’re committed to making important changes to get where you want to be.

You’re open-minded and willing to try a new approach. 

You’re ready to design and implement a plan that will help you ignite your inner leader. 

Women who ignited their inner leader:​




Created more balance at work by delegating and empowering others. 


Learned how to advocate for themselves and their teams.   


Unapologetically showed up as who they are, i.e. courageous leaders, unafraid to be authentic and vulnerable. 

“Undertaking life coaching is a big commitment emotionally and financially and can be a bit daunting as it is unknown, however you are in safe hands with Sadia. She manages to be professional, challenging but always warm and kind. I struggled with imposter syndrome for many years, I had sessions with very well regarded corporate psychologists who repeatedly told me to 'Fake til I feel it', for an authentic person that is impossible and terrible advice. Sadia worked with me to create a strategy to help me manage and beat that imposter, she is the only professional to have got me there! I cannot thank her enough or recommend her highly enough. Even if you're not sure what you might need coaching for, contact her, have a chat and she will help you find some clarity”

Sarah Lindsay (40) mother + sales manager

Stop thinking, start taking action!

Not sure what kind of service you need? 

Book a free discovery call below. 

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