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leadership & CAREER development Coaching

I help diverse, smart-minded women overcome imposter syndrome when navigating midlife career transitions 

I'm so glad you're here!


People always ask me “why the name, slay your dragons?”

It’s an homage to the power of storytelling and allegories. Slaying a dragon was the protagonist’s role in every mythical tale and this, in the metaphorical sense, is exactly what my coaching courses are designed to teach. 

In life, the biggest battle we can have is with our own fear, self-doubt and indecision. So it’s become my quest in life to ensure that every wonderfully talented woman I partner with learns how to slay the 'inner dragons' that have been holding them back.


I understand the challenges that women, particularly marginalised women, face first-hand. As a South Asian woman who grew up watching women continuously sacrifice their needs for others, I decided it was time to make a difference.


I thrive on supporting bold, ambitious and open-minded women to take control of their lives by overcoming the battles that so many try to suffer through silently. 


Years of experience have taught me that everyone has a 'dragon' or two holding them back. It’s my absolute pleasure to bring energy and empathy to my coaching programmes that will allow you to step into your personal power, and slay those dragons once and for all.  

“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.”

Joseph Campbell


Sadia x

Abstract Marbles

“Sadia's biggest gift is her empathy and engagement. She instantly made me feel at ease, even when taking me out of my comfort zone. Sadia genuinely cares and each session was bespoke and tailored to me"

Rachel Davy, PR + Communications Consultant 

My Values

to you and my growth as a coach, so that I can serve you most powerfully


to hold space in a non-judgmental way as you journey within and do the deep inner work

to ask the tough questions when they need to be asked and share what comes up for me honestly 

to take the time to stop and celebrate you on your personal transformation journey 

Coaches are humans too, which means I am a constant work in progress. It's my promise that I will continuously invest in the growth and evolution of my knowledge so that I can always deliver a meaningful service to you. 

Qualifications & Credentials

I am a professional member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) 

I am a Professional Certified Coach by the ICF following the completion of 200+ hours of training and 1000+ hours of coaching 

I am one of the first Certified Positive Intelligence (PQ) Coaches in the UK, and proud to form part of the pioneer group that helped to co-create the programme globally 

I have over a decade of operational leadership and training experience 

Commitments to Ongoing Professional Excellence 

I have regular coaching supervision and mentoring sessions to support my continuous professional development  


I regularly absorb industry literature and attend both virtual and face-to-face conferences as often as possible


I firmly believe in the transformative power of coaching, which is why I too have regular coaching sessions 

I have full professional insurance and adhere to the ICF code of conduct and ethics at all times 

The story of Slay Your Dragons


I was the 'good girl'.  I worked hard, got a degree in Business Studies and began to climb the corporate ladder.  Then, I realised it wasn’t MY ladder. 


I was lost, confused and deeply unhappy.  

I wanted to make a change but didn’t know HOW? I was full of worry, fear and self-doubt.  I had always done what was expected of me.  I didn’t know what I truly wanted. 

Enter coaching.  


I studied coaching whilst working full time in a Learning & Development role for a global company.  I started Slay Your Dragons as a side hustle to hone my skills and develop my future career vision.


I had the confidence to commit myself to Slay Your Dragons full time. 
I continued to coach clients from around the world to reach their career goals, despite the ongoing pandemic. 

Pink Sugar
"We don't have to do all of it alone. 
We were never meant to"

Brené Brown 


I love my job! I partner with smart and inspiring women around the world, helping them navigate change with clarity, calm and confidence!  I've coached women at Facebook, Ford Motors and the BBC. 

Fun facts about me

Fact 1

My top strength is my love for learning.  I’m a Myers Briggs personality type ENFJ
I work with ambitious women who want to use their inner strength to positively impact their lives and the world around them. 


Does this sound like you?  Send Slay Your Dragons a message today to begin a life-changing journey!

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